Today I’m talking to Chris Borgese.
I first met Chris 3 years ago at a meetup with the Gold Coast Bar Alliance whilst I was on a family holiday. Aside from being ridiculously strong and a great guy Chris is the Director of City Adventures which is a Team Building company in the GC.
The reason why we are talking to Chris today is because Chris has taken it upon himself to attempt to beat the World Record of 3515 Chin-ups in 6 hours!
“The motivation behind this attempt is to promote awareness for people suffering mental health issues and share LIVIN’s message #ITAINTWEAKTOSPEAK
So Chris can you tell us a little bit about yourself such as how old you are, where you came from and your interests?
Thanks for taking the time to reach out Jason. I’m 29 and come from a small town called Leeton in NSW. I have a rugby league background and enjoy being involved in team sports. That was one of the main reasons I designed my Team Building Company City Adventures.
Thanks Chris, what is it that prompted you to take on such a big challenge for LIVIN and how did the idea first come about?
An ironman Caine Eckstein, broke the 24 hour pull up record recently and it was all over the news. As a bit of fun I though I’d see how many I could do. I surprised myself with how many I could do in a couple of hours and what started off as a bit of fun, turned into a genuine attempt to make something of it.
At the time I was also helping charities raise money and was assisting mental Heath charity LIVIN. Casey one of the Co-Founders is a mate of mine. I approached him about a concept called #chinupforcharity and he loved the idea.
One thing led to another and here we are on this crazy journey.
What sort of training load and mental preparation are you putting yourself through at the moment to get ready for the World Record Attempt?
I train 9 times a week. 6 weights sessions, 1 Pilates, 1 yoga and 1 dedicated 2 hour pull up session per week. I also get treatment once a week.
My training changes monthly as I get closer to my attempt which is on Sunday 22nd January 2017. We gradually build up and change the program from weights to more calesthetics as we get closer to the event.
This is a journey to help discover myself and help others effected with mental health. 1 in 5 Australians are diagnosed with a mental health condition. I’m always on YouTube listening to guys like Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jim Rohn, Dali Lama plus TED talks to grow and prosper from. Ive also started my own talks on YouTube under Chris Borgese to give people belief that even though they haven’t achieved their goals yet (like me), they can if they believe they can.
Lastly and most importantly what can we and our readers do to try and promote the event itself and give exposure to this great cause?
#CHINUPFORCHARITY will soon be launching a Facebook clip we want to go viral. It would be great if your viewers jumped on board to support the cause when it’s up. It’s basically performing a pull up/s and spreading LIVINs message #itaintweaktospeak. So keep an eye out for Chin Up For Charity and like it on Facebook. 1 person can make a difference but a community can make a change.
Thanks for talking to us today Chris and best of luck with your World Record attempt in January. I know you will have a lot of people supporting you from near and afar.
For those people who want to follow the journey further here are a bunch of links from which you can get onboard.
Follow Chin Up for Charity on Facebook.
Mental Health Charity –
Crisis Support –
Major Sponsor – Team Building Company City Adventures –
Also for people in Perth who wish to support#CHINUPFORCHARITY Movement Co will be hosting an event for World Pull-up day on Saturday the 10th September from which all donations received will go towards LIVIN Chin ups for Charity.
Calisthenics Coach